Ankle Arthritis Symptoms Diagnosis and Treatment

17th Dec 2024
What Are The Symptoms Of Ankle Arthritis?
Symptoms of ankle arthritis can include either pain or stiffness to the joint or locking and clicking. The symptoms vary depending on the type of pathology and the degree of cartilage wear.
Causes Of Ankle Arthritis
The majority of causes of ankle arthritis could be actually post-traumatic. An old injury could result in cartilage damage and gradually increase in activity. Other factors include genetics or infection on rare occasions.
Diagnosis Of Ankle Arthritis
Diagnosis could be through basic X-rays where you see loss of joint space and osteophytes and extra bone growth. Otherwise, in some cases MRI will determine the degree of cartilage damage.
Treatment Of Ankle Arthritis
Treatment is considered depending on severity of the symptoms.
In the first instance, injection of either steroid, PRP or hyaluronic acid could help manage the symptoms. Some rehabilitation and physiotherapy could also help.
Should they progress then ankle arthroscopy to remove any excess bone spurs and repair the cartilage.
In advanced stages either a fusion or ankle replacement may be necessary. For more details on arthritis pain management, you can visit this link.
Prevention Of Ankle Arthritis
Prevention would be on the basis of appropriate footwear and reduce the risk of injuring the ankle.
What Is The Best Medicine For Arthritis In The Ankle?
The best medicine depends on the types of symptoms. Anti-inflammatory and short steroid courses could help initially manage any symptoms.
How Do You Diagnose Arthritis In The Ankle?
Ankle arthritis can usually be diagnosed through basic X-rays and MRI scans. Occasionally CT may be required.
How Can I Confirm I Have Arthritis?
It is best to arrange a consultation with a foot and ankle specialist, such as an orthopedic surgeon or consultant podiatric surgeon. The specialist will arrange X-ray examinations as a first line in terms of screening.
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