Ankle Sprains Recovery and Prevention Tips

17th Dec 2024
What Is an Ankle Sprain?
An ankle sprain is an injury to the ankle resulting from excessive and abnormal movement whilst playing sport or during a trip or slip. The ligaments either on the inside of the ankle known as a deltoid ligament or the outside of the ankle known as a lateral collateral ligaments are stretched or torn. This results in various degrees of mobility issues and inflammation and pain. For more detailed information on different types of ankle sports injuries and their treatments, you can visit this link.
Recovering From a Sprained Ankle
Recovering from an ankle sprain depends on the severity of the sprain. An MRI alongside can determine the degree of ligament damage. If you have a fracture, then an X-ray will be required, and this requires a different set of treatments which may include either placement in a cast or surgical reduction with screws and plates.
Should the ligaments be stretched then it is likely that after five days of rest and careful weight-bearing that these start to recover. If there is partial or complete tear, then this may require further specialist investigation and even surgery if you develop chronic instability or pain.
With a typical grade 1 ankle sprain, just stretching of the ligaments should heal in 5 to 10 days and you can return to sports in about two to three weeks. Should the ligaments be torn then you may be immobilised with a brace for a week or two and then carefully start physiotherapy and rehabilitation for maybe a couple of months before you return to activity. For more information on common sports injuries, visit this link.
Prevention Of Ankle Sprain
Sprain prevention is based on appropriate strengthening of the ankle ensuring that you are doing the right sport in correct footwear. You should be wearing supportive footwear and avoid running on uneven surfaces and be careful on the terrain.
Can A Sprained Ankle Heal in Seven Days?
Yes, an ankle sprain can heal in seven days if it is rested and rehabilitated appropriately, and if there is no tear in the ligaments.
Is Walking Good for Sprained Ankle?
Weight-bearing on an ankle that is sprained as tolerated without a fracture is encouraged, especially if there is no tear of the ligament. This will allow less weakness of the associated muscles and improved outcomes.
How To Heal Ankle Ligaments Faster?
Healing of the ankle ligaments will take time but one could rest appropriately and ice the area for the first three to five days. It will be then important to maintain mobility and do gentle range of motion exercises and strengthen the muscles around the ankle itself.
Find Out More
If you have any other questions or would like to reserve an appointment at our practice, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our team: