Bunion Surgeon London – Mr. Kaser Nazir

23rd May 2015
Kaser Nazir, is a specialist foot surgeon who performs at least 250 bunion operations a year in the NHS and private sector. He works at Guys & St Thomas’ NHS trust and on Harley Street at the London Foot & Ankle Surgery. He uses the latest bunion surgery techniques including minimally invasive bunion surgery.
What does modern Bunion Surgery involve:
– Complete correction of deformity to prevent recurrence of bunion
– Use of specially adapted titanium screw and/or plates to ensure that you can put weight on the foot straight away.
– No Cast
– Minimum swelling and full return of big toe joint function
– Smaller scar or through key hole
– 2 weeks off work for most people
Is bunion surgery painful?
– Modern techniques allow the use of local anaesthesia and the patient wakes up with the numb foot with no pain. Most people take painkillers for 3 days and pain is well managed.
– Most reports of the procedure being “very painful” are not routinely reported by our patients.
Can the bunion re-occur?
– Recurrence rate is less than 5% and most bunions that recur are not as painful or progress to be as bad as the original bunion deformity.
How long is it before I can wear normal shoes?
– Patients can return to a wide trainer 2-3 weeks after operation and 80% of patients return to smart shoe at 8 weeks. However, swelling may persist for up to 6-12 months and some patients may struggle to return to shoes for a long while.
How long before I can go to the gym?
– You can return to light exercise after 6 weeks but any significant impact will not be allowed for 8-12 weeks.
Can I have the procedure under local anaesthetic?
– Absolutely, Mr Nazir performs 50% of all bunion operations under loca ankle block anaesthetic, however if you are anxious then it can be performed under sedation or general anaesthesia.
Will I need to stay in the hospital?
– Most bunion surgery is done as a day case procedure.
How long does the procedure take?
– Typically, the procedure takes 40 minutes per foot.
Can both feet be done at the same time?
– Yes, although patients find it easier to get about after doing one foot at a time, both feet can be done safely.
When can I get my feet wet after the surgery?
– Typically after 10 days. You can shower using a protective Limbo device.
What are the risks of bunion surgery?
General risks of surgery:
– infection 0.5-1%
– Deep Vein thrombosis/ Pulmonary Embolism
– Scar problem
– Prolonged swelling
– Complex regional pain syndrome
Bunion Surgery related risks:
– Joint stiffness
– Nerve irritation/numbness
– Recurrence
– Removal of screws/plates
– Pain in ball of foot
What are the procedures Mr. Nazir commonly performs?
– Scarf & Akin Osteotomies
– Chevron osteotomy
– Lapidus TMT Fusion
– Opening wedge osteotomy of 1st metatarsal
– MICA – minimally invasive operation (Key-hole)
How much does a bunion operation cost?
From £2000 per foot inclusive
Is my Bunion Operation covered by Private Medical Inurance?
– Mr. Kaser Nazir is covered under all private medical insurance providers. Please enquire with us for more information.
– Appointments: Tel: 0207 820 8007
Email: appointments@londonfootandanklesurgery.co.uk
Website: www.londonfootandanklesurgery.co.uk