Bunion Surgery Recovery Tips Week by Week

10th Feb 2020
Bunion Surgery
A Bunion is a common foot deformity that manifests as a bony growth below the base of the big toe. A Bunion is progressive, meaning it will get worse over time; the Bunion ‘bump’ will enlarge and often causes footwear fitting issues, pain, swelling and can prevent day-to-day activities. We have previously written some detailed information about Bunions and how to recognise them.
Surgical correction of Bunions tend to be considered a last resort when more conservative treatment measures fail to resolve the symptoms. This is partly because, like most types of surgery, it requires a recovery period and patients are often concerned this will be disruptive. However, in recent years Bunion surgery techniques have improved, greatly reducing the impact and length of recovery from an operation.
Recovery for bunion surgery
The recovery will vary depending on the type of procedure that is advised, although they often share many characteristics and stages, including:
- Physical therapy: this is an important part of the recovery process to make sure healing and the return to activity is optimal. Usually this will begin at around two weeks after surgery.
- Post operative shoes: all patient will wear protective shoes and slowly transition back to normal footwear.
- Swelling: will reduce over time and be much improved from 6 weeks.
Below is some key information on these and other aspects of the recovery.
Bunion surgery recovery time
Recovery times following Bunion surgery can vary, depending on a number of factors:
- General health: older patients or have generalised health conditions, like diabetes, may need a longer period to fully heal.
- Type of procedure: the less invasive the procedure the faster and less impactful the recovery. For example, with Minimally Invasive Bunion Surgery it is possible to walk straight away, albeit with less activity and some reasonable supports during the appropriate stages. However, Minimally Invasive Procedures are not always appropriate.
- Other surgeries: if operations for other deformities are conducted at the same time, this may impact the overall recovery period.
Bunion Surgery Recovery Week by Week UK
However, for the most common types of operation and assuming normal levels of health, the recovery times broadly follow the below pattern:
- The first 2-4 days | You should rest as much as possible with your feet up over this period; restricting movement to using the bathroom. Generally all movement will make use of some kind of support, such as crutches.
- 2 weeks after surgery | Bandages will likely no longer be needed. Many patients return to trainers and may start with physiotherapy at this point.
- 2-6 weeks after surgery | Patients often return to work during this period. You can return to driving on the condition that you can perform an emergency stop. Virtually all normal activities are possible at this point.
- 6-12 weeks after surgery | Sports and other shoe types can be returned to over this period.
- 6 months after surgery | You will normally have a final review around this period. By his point you should have the full benefit of the surgery.
A particular recovery pathway may differ from the above in some respects and your surgeon will always be able to advise what to expect in a more specific case.
Bunion Surgery Recovery Tips By Mr. Kaser Nazir (Consultant Podiatric Surgeon)
Recovery shoes
Normally patients will make use of a postoperative shoe over the first two weeks postoperatively. These look like slightly oversized sandals that redistribute pressure away from the surgery site when moving, as well as protect the area from knocks.
Sometimes, if a swift return to work is important, patients may make use of an aircast boot, which provides added protection
as well as control of swelling.
Bunion surgery recovery exercises
It is important to maintain strength after a period of limited activity, as well as to relieve pain. The recovery will involve both strengthening and stretching exercises.
Strength: these will be targeted exercises to gradually improve strength of the muscles that support your foot and lower limbs. This will help keep your joints stable, as well as relieve some foot and ankle pains that are caused by weakness.
Stretching: Improving flexibility of your lower limb muscles can help restore the range of motion of your foot & ankle, as well as reduce muscle soreness.
A physiotherapist will aid and guide patients through this process.
Bunion surgery – before and after
What to expect
Click here to see more Before and After Surgery Images
When to contact a doctor during recovery
Your surgeon will warn you of any signs to watch out for and how to act should there be any concerns during a recovery. It is important to seek specialist advice or revert to your surgeon if you notice any of the following:
- Excessive low limb swelling,
which could indicate a DVT - Allergic reaction to anesthesia
- Infection, indicated by pus,
pain, increased temperature and swelling - Pain controls, such as
medication, are not working
What foods make bunions worse?
Red meat, alcohol, and dairy products may make symptoms worse. Try taking vitamins like bromelain, devil’s claw, and turmeric internally.
What to expect five weeks after bunion surgery
Six weeks after surgery, you will have pain and edema that steadily disappear. You can experience temporary discomfort and edema for six months to a year. After surgery, you must wear a cast or a particular type of shoe to protect your toe and keep it in the correct position for at least 3 to 6 weeks.
What is the fastest way to recover from bunion surgery?
- Avoid putting weight on your big toe.
- Elevate your foot to reduce swelling.
- Keep your wound and bandages dry.
- Take pain medicines as prescribed.
What should I avoid after bunion surgery?
After surgery, you might need to take a week or longer off from driving. After surgery, physical therapy or exercises may be advised to assist the foot in regaining its strength and range of motion. After surgery, high heels need to be avoided for at least six months.
Can I sleep on my side after bunion surgery?
You can sleep comfortably and safely on your side if a pillow or other support is between your knees. Different sleep positions are not recommended and are potentially dangerous because they can require you to twist your legs and cause dislocation.
How long does it take to walk generally after bunion surgery?
You won’t be able to walk normally for at least eight weeks after surgery. Expect eight weeks or longer of minor discomfort and toe-bending limitation. Depending on swelling, regular shoes may be impossible for 8-16 weeks after surgery.
What can I do three weeks after bunion surgery?
Your stitches will be taken out this week. Even though it is unnecessary during the first two weeks, elevation is still advised. At this point, compression stockings are an excellent option to reduce edema and enable increasing activity. It’s also helpful to apply ice for 20 or 30 minutes twice or thrice daily.
How far can I walk two weeks after bunion surgery?
Initial recovery from bunion surgery takes around six weeks. During this timeframe, your foot will heal from the surgical incision.
What shoes to wear six weeks after bunion surgery?
After a bunion procedure, put on leather shoes. Leather is supple, permeable, adaptable, and strong. Leather shoes will help keep your feet from rubbing together in the summer. After bunion surgery, you should wear soft shoes to prevent rubbing over your big toe joint.
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