Dealing with Foot Pain after Surgery

04th Apr 2018
Many people suffer from toe conditions such as mallet toe or hammer toe. The corrective surgery will often make your toe perfect again. But, there is the possibility that you will experience pain. So, what does one do to treat this?
Foot Pain
Pain is a well known complication following foot surgery, and when experienced can have an impact on daily activities, such as:
- You may not be able to undertake normal chores.
- You are not able to do certain activities such as cooking or cleaning.
- You may not be able to drive for several weeks.
In some cases, the condition seems to have become more painful and intolerable. Surgery can involve many risks:
- Infection sets in.
- You lose too much blood during surgery.
- The bones take time to heal.
- The wound takes a long time to heal.
- During surgery, the nerves get damaged.
Your surgeon will discuss the risks before surgery and you will be aware of the complication rate in advance.
Be cautious
Recovery following a surgical procedure takes at least two weeks. You can deal with foot pain in many ways. For example, you can keep your foot raised and when you move about, or use a cane for support.
Once you no longer have any pain, you can begin your exercise routines. This will consist of a set of non impact exercises designed to stretch your ankle muscles and rejuvenate them. If you are young the amount of exercise will be more so your recovery time will be less. If you are old, then the recovery time will be more. You can take up exercise to build core strength. Take the advice of your physiotherapist when deciding how much exercise you will do.
Other risks associated with surgery:
Heart Attack: Lesser risk factors include problems such as a heart attack. This is more so if the person has already had one attack.
Reactions: He or she might show a bad reaction to the anesthesia. At times, a chest infection might occur.
Blood clots: Another common worry is due to blood clots. The occurrence of blood clots is rare. The surgeon will go through your medical records and find out if there is a likelihood that clots will occur. If there is a chance, he will instruct the patient to take blood-thinning medicine.
Find Out More
If you have any other questions or would like to reserve an appointment at our practice, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our team: