Is Summer the Best Time to Have Bunion Surgery?

31st Jul 2024
All bunion specialists now agree that whilst bunion corrector type devices can in very small cases help relieve some of the symptoms, the bunion deformity itself continues to progress over the years. The deformity exists due to the deviation of the metatarsal bone and the big toe in opposite direction, as well as the prominence of the metatarsal bone known as the bunion towards the inner part of your foot.
Bunion removal surgery addresses the malalignment of the metatarsal and the big toe by cutting and resetting the bones. There are many types of surgical treatments for bunions, but more recently the minimally invasive surgery has been popularised due to less postoperative trauma and easier postoperative rehabilitation following the bunion surgery. However, your bunion specialist would advise on a most appropriate bunion procedure that could provide you with pain relief.
The cost of bunion removal surgery will very much depend on the type of deformity and the procedure that is performed. Please inquire from the clinic as to potential costs of the procedures.
Understanding Bunions and Surgical Intervention
Bunions are caused by deviation of the first metatarsal, which is the bone that connects the middle of the foot to the big toe. The big toe then deforms and pushes this towards the second toe. The types of bunion surgery either involve fusion of the joint, known as a Lapidus procedure, and/or osteotomy procedure, which involves resetting of bones and maintaining the joint movement broadly speaking.
Minimally invasive surgery involves an osteotomy procedure which involves cutting and resetting of the bone but small portals or incisions are used to perform the operation and the outcomes are as good as open surgery.
In terms of postoperative recovery whilst initial recovery may be the first two weeks of elevation and walking only 10 minutes an hour, bone healing takes six to eight weeks and you may not be able to return to all your full impact activities for that period.
Factors to Consider for Bunion Surgery Timing
Factors to consider include optimal health and fitness prior to surgery. You may want to ensure that you are in optimal health and fitness to ensure that you have a smoother recovery. You will need to take some time out of work, especially the first couple of weeks, and this may need to be scheduled around a busy work schedule. Some people prefer summer months as they are quieter at the office whilst others prefer to have the operation during the winter period when they can remain inside due to poor weather.
Typical recovery will involve for the first two weeks of very careful mobilisation and putting weight on the foot for no more than 10 minutes an hour. You can gradually increase the activity between weeks two and four but you may remain in a postoperative shoe for up to four weeks. Some patients return to trainers at two weeks whilst others can take a little longer. However, running is strictly not allowed for eight weeks postoperatively.
Benefits and Drawbacks of Summer Bunion Surgery
The main benefit with having surgery in the summer is that if there is postoperative swelling following bunion surgery then open toe sandals or shoes can be worn and therefore there is no restriction in returning to closed footwear. The drawbacks being that some patients may not wish to stay indoors for the first two weeks, which requires quite a lot of rest on your feet in the summer months.
Speak to your bunion specialist regarding the best time for you to have a bunion surgery and type of procedure that is best suited.
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