08th Mar 2018
Facts About Metatarsalgia Treatment
Being able to move around comfortably is an advantage that you seldom stop to think about. You may ignore the pinch like pain at the end of your foot most of the time. But it gets harder and harder to dismiss once the pain worsens and feels akin to a deep bruise.
Read More22nd Feb 2018
Surgical Correction of Flat Feet
Good health is a blessing. When one experiences pain in different parts of the body, it can disrupt normal activity. Pain often arises in the ankle joint due to flattening of the arch of the foot, a condition normally referred to as ‘Flat Feet’.
Read More23rd Jan 2018
Tips About Bunion Treatment UK
Finding bunions on the side of your feet may alarm you somewhat. There is no real need to panic though. It is a deformation of the bones at the base of the big toe of your foot. Fear not, that can be corrected easily. The recommended bunion treatment UK is to go for a surgical […]
Read More11th Jan 2018
When to Visit a Consultant Podiatric Surgeon
Well, most people visit doctors and health specialists to get the right treatment for their conditions. The feet are often the most neglected part of the body and people who suffer from painful foot conditions rarely visit experienced medical professionals when they should.
Read More18th Dec 2017
Useful Medical Services Offered By a Foot Clinic
Have you ever experienced serious mind numbing pains in your feet that requires the examination and care of a foot expert? A foot clinic can offer you extensive medical solutions for your foot and ankle problems so that you can eradicate any pain or discomfort as quickly as possible.
Read More21st Nov 2017
Why Visiting a Foot Hospital is Always a Good Idea
Have you ever experienced major pains in your foot without any apparent reason? If so, you should certainly get in touch with a foot hospital, where experts can take a closer look at your problem and recommend the best solutions. Plenty of people tend to ignore their foot problems, thinking that they will go away […]
Read More13th Nov 2017
Choosing A Podiatric Clinic For Your Foot Problems
When you have any kind of foot problem, you should get in touch with a podiatrist immediately and get it checked out. People tend to ignore their foot problems at the beginning stages, which may eventually cause the problem to become more serious over time and lead to major issues. A Podiatric Clinic can investigate […]
Read More12th Nov 2017
Different Methods Of Hammer Toe Surgery
A hammertoe or a hammer toe is a type of deformity where the toe becomes bent upwards in the middle making it look like a hammer. This foot issue often occurs along with certain other toe problems. Some patients with a hammer toe also develop corns right on top of the middle joint of an […]
Read More10th Nov 2017
Bunion surgery: All you need to know
A bunion can be defined as a type of bony bump that develops around the base of the big toe. Once formed, the bunion creates a union with the foot bone known as the first metatarsal. The big toe can point excessively towards the second toe if there is a bunion. A bunion is considered […]
Read More21st Jul 2017
Foot Fracture Surgeries Carried Out By Experienced Foot Surgeons
The foot and leg is one of the most crucial areas of our body that needs to be functioning properly if we are to enjoy robust health. However, if our foot goes through some serious problems with the bones, joints, muscles, ligaments and nerves, then a doctor might recommend surgical procedures to correct such issues. […]
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