Top Things to Consider Before Foot Surgery

06th May 2019
Foot Surgery is used to treat a range of painful foot conditions. Often surgical options are used as a last line of treatment when a problem becomes too painful or impacts on daily activities or quality of life. The most common foot conditions that are treated surgically include:
- Hammertoes
- Bunions
- Ankle Instability
- Morton’s Neuroma
Modern surgical techniques are typically minimally invasive and on average can be performed within around 45 minutes or less, leading to a relatively swift recovery period.
If you are considering surgical treatment for your foot condition, it is likely that you have tried more conservative methods of managing symptoms already. When deciding whether to then proceed with surgery, it is important that you are aware of the implications so that you can make an informed decision.
Below, is some of the key information you should be aware of.
Preparing for Your Surgery
There are strict procedures to be followed when preparing for surgery. These steps may be slightly different depending on the condition being treated, your general health and the operative techniques being used. However, generally you will need to consider the following:
Getting Your Home Ready
- It may be worth rearranging your home to suit your recovery, as you will likely need a considerable amount of rest. You may want to ensure your sleep space is near a bathroom, and everything you need is on one floor, to reduce time on your feet and the need to use stairs.
- It will likely be helpful to have some snack food or ready meals to reduce time on your feet cooking
- You should let family and friends know you are undergoing surgery, should you need support and so they can check in on you
- It’s a good idea to have entertainment close at hand
Day of Surgery
- If you are having general anesthesia or sedation, you should not eat for at least 6 hours before your surgery. You may have plain water 2 ½ hours beforehand, but no caffeine or juice.
- Bring comfortable clothing for your recovery, especially if you will require a cast or similar
- Remove makeup, nail varnish
- Arrange for someone to collect you from the hospital
How Long is Recovery Time for Foot Surgery?
The recovery period for Foot Surgery varies greatly depending on the type of surgery and how invasive it is, as well as your general health.
A surgeon will provide information on typical recovery times following your procedure. However, it is important to follow any postoperative advice, exercises and rehabilitation protocols very exactly, or the recovery period may be prolonged.
When to See a Foot Surgeon
If you are close to exhausting conservative treatments for your foot condition, it is worth arranging a consultation with a Foot Surgeon. Your surgeon will be able to provide specific information on the benefits, risks, and prognosis of surgical intervention.
It is important to discuss the following so that you can make an informed decision about whether to proceed:
- What are the risks of surgery?
- What are the likely benefits?
- What complications are possible?
- How long does the surgery take?
- What pre and postoperative procedures will you have to follow?
- How long is a typical recovery?
- If you have health conditions, will this affect your eligibility for surgical treatment or your recovery should you proceed?
Find Out More
If you have any other questions or would like to reserve an appointment at our practice, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our team: