Our Team

Mr. Nazir is a Consultant Podiatric Surgeon with more than 20 years NHS experience. He was appointed...
Mr. Nazir is a Consultant Podiatric Surg...

Mr Steven Thomas graduated in Podiatry with Honors from Cardiff Metropolitan University and has addi...
Mr Steven Thomas graduated in Podiatry w...

Anjelica has been working with The London Foot & Ankle Surgery since 2013 where she has worked to de...
Anjelica has been working with The Londo...

Noor Obtained her Bachelor of Science in Podiatry from Queen Margaret University in Edinburgh in 200...
Noor Obtained her Bachelor of Science in...

Fiona manages the day to day running of the clinic. For most of our patients she is the first point ...
Fiona manages the day to day running of ...